Premium quality internships for the labour market
The Association of the Latvian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry (LAKIFA) in cooperation with the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia (leading partner of the project) and Mechanics and Technology College of Olaine, as well as nine international and national cooperation partners implemented Erasmus+ strategic partnership project “Premium quality internships for the labour market” (No.2014-1-LV01-KA202-000522).
Purposes of the project was improvement of the availability of highly qualified work force, strengthening of the involvement of social partners, especially employers’ organisations in the professional education, promote availability of premium quality internships and professional training based in the environment, as well as establish e-tool for the organising of premium quality internships.
The Association of the Latvian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry (LAKIFA) in cooperation with the Mechanics and Technology College of Olaine implemented pilot project for the development of premium quality internships in the chemistry sector, establishing professional secondary education program “Biotechnology” with the qualification “Biotechnologist Assistant”. During the implementation of the pilot project main strategic principles of the development of professional educational establishments and associations of sectors, as well as requirements of the employers in the training of professional education students as potential employees.
Project implemented from September 2014 until the end of August 2017.
Total project funding is 339’260 EUR, out of which LAKIFA project budget is 15’463.64 EUR.
More information about the project –